Videonystagmography (VNG)

VNG is a diagnostic test that records involuntary movements of the eye known as nystagmus. VNG testing can be used to diagnose the causes of vertigo, dizziness, or balance dysfunction by testing the vestibular (balance) system. During the test you will wear video goggles that will allow the audiologist to measure and record your eye movements.

The test consists of three main components: 

  1. Oculomotor testing – You will be asked to track a target on a screen to assess the connection between your brain, eye, and inner ear of balance
  2. Positional testing – During this portion of the test, you will be placed in different head and body positions to assess the effect on your vestibular system.
  3. Caloric stimulation – Lastly, your inner ears will be stimulated with warm and cool air/water to assess the integrity of your balance mechanism. 

Each step of the test will be explained to you by the audiologist as the test is being performed. After the test is completed, the audiologist will interpret the data and send a report to your doctor. There is generally little discomfort with this test. Certain parts of the VNG may make you feel dizzy; however, the dizziness is brief and subsides quickly.

If you are scheduled for an VNG, please review the instructions below at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Failure to correctly follow these instructions may result in the rescheduling of your appointment.

VNG Preparation